Anyeonghaseyo our lovely reader ^^
Selamat datang di blog ini, Selamat membaca =)
Dan jangan lupa pula untuk meninggalkan jejak berupa komentar setelah membaca ^^

PS : dibutuhkan author baru untuk blog ini buat siapa saja, yang tertarik silahkan liat caranya di laman "yang mau jadi author kesini! ". kami membutuhkan author-author baru karena banyak author yang hiatus ._. kami selalu menerima author baru.

BAGI SEMUA AUTHOR : WAJIB selalu mengecek laman "Cuap-cuap reader and author" .


Gomawo !

Rabu, 06 Juli 2016

Blazing Star [Chapter 12] - The Last Performance

Blazing Star [Chapter 12]

by  Stephcecil
Cast : Kim Myungsoo, Son Naeun, Noh Yiyoung, Kim Taehyung / V, Lee Byunghun / L.Joe
Lenght : Chaptered || Genre : School Life, Music, Romantic, Friendship || Rating : Teen
Disclaimer : The cast isn't mine, but the plot is purely based of my imagination.
Summary : "Blazing Star mungkin akan berhenti bermain sebagai sebuah grup musik, tapi persahabatan kita tak akan pernah padam." 
Previous Part  : 1 || 2 || 3 || 4 || 5 || 6 || 7 || 8 || 9 || 10 || 11

Selasa, 05 Juli 2016


Hello, this is me stephcecil. I'm here to turn in my resignation bowl of mixed feelings as author, student, and a mere human. Jadi, ceritanya saya lagi sedih pemirsa. Gak tahu karena akhirnya saya mulai nulis ending buat Blazing Star yang notabene project fanfic 6 tahun yang gak selesai selesai atau karena saya keluar dari comfort zone. 

Saya mau random aja ya.

I miss Haura, micheel, and fellow authors here. I miss how were things used to be. I miss everything. I wish i could return time to where i could write tons of pages in the middle of the nights. Everything will change starting from now on. And i don't know whether i'm prepared enough or not. Am i going to stumble over unfamiliar things? How willl i keep writing? How do i live within my imaginations? I feel dead already.

 But i will try. I will be ashamed of my self and my Kpop inspirations if i back down now.

Im taking English Literature, despite the dark prospect.



Saya janji selama waktu memungkinkan, dan laptop masih tersedia, saya akan curi-curi kesempatan untuk nulis. Yang pasti, saya gak ada niatan buat berhenti. Walaupun kemampuan nulis saya makin merunduk dari hari ke hari karena makin jarang diasah 8"""""""") nangis darah nih.

Siapapun reader saya, mau ada yang baca atau gak, saya gak peduli, saya akan tetap lanjutin. I love you guys, siapapun dan dimanapun kalian semua.

Author: Stephcecil
Status : hancur, harap-harap cemas.
Progress : Blazing Star pt. 12 (90%)
current wish: Not to faint during ospek. Adaption. hdiuhyqf8nyq8

Rabu, 06 Januari 2016

Blazing Star [Chapter 11] - Joining Hands

Blazing Star [Chapter 11]

by  Stephcecil
Cast : Kim Myungsoo, Son Naeun, Noh Yiyoung, Kim Taehyung / V, Lee Byunghun / L.Joe
Lenght : Chaptered || Genre : School Life, Music, Romantic, Friendship || Rating : Teen
Disclaimer : The cast isn't mine, but the plot is purely based of my imagination.
Summary : "Aku tidak Sendirian" 
                                                   Previous Part  : 1 || 2 || 3 || 4 || 5 || 6 || 7 || 8 || 9 || 10

Rabu, 09 Desember 2015

Blazing Star [Chapter 10] - Bitter Confession

Blazing Star [Chapter 10]

by  Stephcecil
Cast : Kim Myungsoo, Son Naeun, Noh Yiyoung, Kim Taehyung / V, Lee Byunghun / L.Joe
Lenght : Chaptered || Genre : School Life, Music, Romantic, Friendship || Rating : Teen
Disclaimer : The cast isn't mine, but the plot is purely based of my imagination.
Summary : "Satu bulan lagi aku harus kembali ke Amerika."
Previous Part  : 1 || 2 || 3 || 4 || 5 || 6 || 7 || 8 || 9

Rabu, 25 November 2015

Blazing Star [Chapter 9] - Falling deeper

Blazing Star [Chapter 9]

by  Stephcecil
Cast : Kim Myungsoo, Son Naeun, Noh Yiyoung, Kim Taehyung / V, Lee Byunghun / L.Joe
Lenght : Chaptered || Genre : School Life, Music, Romantic, Friendship || Rating : Teen
Disclaimer : The cast isn't mine, but the plot is pure based my imagination.
Summary : " Yiyoung tahu, detik itu, nama Minhyun benar-benar terhapus dari hatinya."
Previous Part  : 1 || 2 || 3 || 4 || 5 || 6 || 7 || 8